You’ve probably heard of food being recalled before. Often, this is because it’s been contaminated by bacteria like Escherichia coli (E.coli) and EHEC. This is mostly caused by bad hygiene during the processing of the food. Any food contaminated with E.coli or EHEC poses a great threat to the food safety, which is exactly why proper hygiene is of the greatest importance and where ozone comes in handy.
Ozone is a very strong disinfectant that leaves no taste or smell. This makes ozone an ideal way to disinfect. This doesn’t just ensure better hygiene but also less risk. A treatment with ozone reduces the amount of bacteria by a factor Log 3 (a reduction of 1000x) in a very short period of time! An even further reduction is also possible, but the duration of the treatment would increase significantly.
So, ozone decreases the risk of an E.coli of EHEC contamination, it does its job extremely fast and doesn’t change the taste of the product at all.
Are you interested in the possibilities for your company? Contact us for more information, we’re glad to help!